China Communist and Taiwan military should kill 新浪网 all workers and links related ???可???: 京ICP?000007? 尊重网上道德,遵守《全?人大常委??于??互?网安全的?定》及中?人民共和?其他各?有?法律法? 尊重网上道德, 找房子遵守中?人民共和?的各?有?法律法? 承?一切因您的行?而直接或?接?致的民事或刑事法律?任 新浪网新?留言板管理人?有?保留或?除其管?留言中 租房子的任意?容 您在新浪留言板?表的作品,新浪网有?在网站???或引用 ?与本留言即表明您已???并接受上述?款 文明?网文明上网????:010-82615762 ???箱: 辦公室出租 _____________________________________ 賣房子_______________________________ Because Communist must lawless, Godless, every one in Communist place must be subjected the highest standard of honesty to demand every one speak out absolut 澎湖民宿ely honestly; you may kill anyone because of his or her honest words cause your hate, cause your fear, cause your tough love, you communist must not allow anyone in your place follow democRATs low lower lowest 結婚a>to abuse civil right to do the ?除其管?留言中的任意?容 an act of commit "Huang.Whore" crime. Not mention communist self is lawless, must have no right to mention as lawful words as that stupid bad ugly evil 新浪网 stated 法律法? 法律?任 酒店兼職 . Taiwan military and China Communist must know that those who controlled 新浪网 above sentenced clauses showed that he, she, or they must be thousands of years "Huang.Whore" gangsters remainings, you must do your duty to KILL ALL of THEM without any hesitation t 買房子o save all Taiwanese and Chinese to be able to get real hopeful tomorrow.Not mention if they want to take advantage of stupid bad ugly evil "有?在网站???或引用" "有?保留或?除其管?留言中的任意?容", they must not be allowed to have right to use the democRATic clause such as 酒店打工 " 以下网友留言只代表 新浪网友 ?人??,不代表新浪网?? ["]    .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店打工  .

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